It would certainly appear as though I have a "thing" for all things vintage...its because I do!
its so refreshing to step back in time so to speak and re-create with todays tools and products..and of course a little imagination.
As always I never tire of these creative shoots whether for promotional material or for collaborating for someone else its just all further fueling my fire for what I love to do.
and who'd have thunk that the above photo would be a center focal point of my blog/business card/social media all of which are promoting my business ...
the hair for me was also a bit of a stretch (challenge if u will) as this era was very clean. clean lines. clean polished height with hidden back-combing. clean and shiny fringes.
then there's me......disheveled and unstructured and yes...sometimes even messy.
Im good with want to see curl wizardry, gimme hot rollers any day!
I'm very honest about my strengths and weaknesses within my hairstyling talent. one of the many joys of aging (insert painful cough here) is having a bit of wisdom and experience and being good with those.
Not to say I cant tackle precision behind the chair or clients only receive unstructured do's, but my strength is free hand and tousled with tons of movement. I am a very visual rather than technical stylist.
this was a great challenge for myself to see if I can pull off a precision polished vintage yet modern beehive.
I was certainly happy with the images and TARA WHITTAKER never ceases to amaze with her eye
and her lens.

she hit the jackpot with this 1960's vintage cocktail dress from CATS EYE DESIGN.
this was a very grande creation and the setting was itself very grande...shot on location at TEATRO RESTAURANTE.
and of course it could not be pulled off without the stunning red lips courtesy of my friend and colleague Shea Brown.
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